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Taryn Southern-男人嘛! 他們只想上妳(中文字幕)-Guys- They just wanna bang you - YouTube No copyright infringement intended. Originally uploaded by Taryn Southern Origin here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okeHeQ... 如果有人知道" You're a 3 or a 2."是什麼意思的話,請在下面留言告訴我!! 感激不盡!! Taryn在iTune發了新專輯,有興趣的朋友可以去下載來聽喔!! 影片演員...
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Once (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia At the shop, she meets his father (Bill Hodnett). The Guy takes the Girl up to his room, but when he asks her to stay the night, she is insulted and leaves. The next day, they quickly patch things up, as over the course of a week they excitedly write, reh